
13 July 2024

Sensation Sheregesh 2024

Sensation is an annual festival dedicated to electronic music.
In 2024, the festival will be held in the Kemerovo region, Sheregesh urban settlement.July 13. Impressive dance and light shows, stunning performances by the most talented DJs, using the positive power of music and dance as a universal language. This festival is an explosive mix of modern energetic music, powerful light effects and people united by the common intention to dance until they drop.

Event plan:

17:00-20:00 Registration, gathering of guests

20:00-21:00 Opening of the festival, performance of the event headliners

21:00-23:00 Dance show, performance by the event headliners

23:00-01:00 Light show, performance by the event headliners

01:00-03:00 Light show, performance by the event headliners, closing of the festival


Sensation Sheregesh 2024 Sensation Sheregesh 2024
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